Tuesday 12 May 2015

What is Aloe Vera?

  Scientific classification

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Asparagales
Family: Xanthorrhoeaceae
Subfamily: Asphodeloideae
Genus: Aloe
Species: A. vera


How to grow Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera is actually a grown plant and naturalized populations which is growing in rocky, dry and exposed places.

     Aloe Vera is definitely a famous houseplant. It also known as the 'natural healer' or the 'miracle plant' . It thrives in dry and warm environments.It can be described as a herbaceous perennial (a plant which is growth dies down every year however , which the part of roots or any other below the ground parts survive) within the family of Liliaceae. 

    This plant features is a short and strong stem and also a rosette of fleshy (growth appearing like a rose), lanceolate leaves (a thin oval shape tapered to a point at each end) which is have a shape like a tiny white teeth. The leaves is marked or dot with a tiny patches of color with a pale green or gray-green and white color. 

   This plants can develop an obvious inflorescence (the complete flower head of a plant including flowers, stems, stalks and bracts) which is consisting of largely packed hanging down loosely a yellow flowers on a spike which might be grow up to 90 cm in tall. The plant itself can develop into 1 meter tall and also can live for approximately 100 years if its has a proper care.

Aloe Vera leaf composition is made-up of 4 layers: 

  • Rind : External protective layer 
  • Sap : A layer of bitter liquid which can helps protect this plant from from being eaten by animals 
  • Mucilage Gel : An internal part of the leaf which is cut out to take an Aloe Vera gel 
  • Gel fillet : Consists of the 8 important amino acids which is needed in the human body BUT our body system cannot producing this type of amino acids.

      There is always a lot of misunderstandings in between Aloe Vera Juice and Aloe Vera Gel. The word of Gel means the internal leaf while a Juice means the "Aloe Latex" a bitter material seen slightly below the leaf's skin. Aloe Vera's taste is bitter. It will be possible to get used to the taste of plain Aloe Vera gel, however if you don't like the taste you can add some fruit juice that can enables you to make it much more tasty and delicious.



     Aloe vera are comprised approximately 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids, 75 nutrients, 200 active enzymes, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and E, folic acid, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and Niacin. Minerals was founded in aloe vera such as calcium, zinc, potassium, chromium, copper, iron, sodium, magnesium and manganese. All of these active enzymes, vitamins and minerals can give a most "miracle" to health benefits of aloe vera.

   The nutrients naturally found in aloe vera make it this house-plant as a herbal products which is potentially can be safely and securely applied both externally and internally. This amazing plant consists of additional valuable materials such as polysaccharides, anthraquinones, mannans and lectins. 

   The existence of these kinds of nutrients giving them every benefits to use aloe vera for skin and wide variety of therapeutic uses. Other than that, there is a several aloe vera uses for hair. For example to treat hair dandruff and dry scalp. Aloe vera not just can treat our skin, hair and health problems, it is also so comforting and can help you to chill out and relaxing.

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